Tuesday 26 November 2013

Bound 3, bound to be a hit!

Last week, all everyone could talk about was Kim Kardashian and Kanye West's Bound 2 music video. 
The naked shilloute of baby mama Kim mixed with Kanye's clothing choice made for a very interesting video. 

But Seth Rogen and James Franco made an even bigger impact with their Bound 3. 

I loved Kimye's first video. I thought she looked amazing, it was very different from the stereotypical music video. But Seth and James version had me laughing the entire time. 

Kim is such a fashion icon of mine, but seeing how she brushed this off made me love her even more. 

Here are the two video's links from E Entertainment and YouTube! Watch both and let me know what you think of these two! 


Seth and James

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